12 years old boy Nejc witnesses teenage bullying. He befriends Timi, the victim of violence.

“On the surface, this film is very intentionally about the experience and perspective of the child – we see the bullying through the main character’s eyes and we imagine what is going through his mind as events unfold and new information comes to light. But it is also making a statement about the impact grown-ups and their actions have on children. While the grown-ups are in the periphery (literally – they’re never in focus), their presence and actions (or lack thereof) play a major role in the lives of the 2 main characters – the argument between Nejc’s parents, the absence of the bullying victim’s father, etc. By not having the main character speak very much, this film forces the viewer to imagine what is going through his head, and to draw conclusions for themselves. It would be interesting to hear the different questions and insights it might evoke in both young and older viewers.”
(Adult juror / Providence Children’s Film Festival)
“Very good cinematography and use of hand-held camera that really puts you in the shoes of the boys. (The opening shots of the tunnel where the boy is being chased are dramatic and foreboding, and heighten the sense of isolation and feeling trapped.) The story was simple but very well told (again, often without the need for actual words – e.g. when the boy discovers the stolen phones, the change in the in the way he interacts with his parents at dinner near the end, etc.). I liked how, by giving us an unresolved ending, the film continues to make you think and fill in the gaps even after it’s over. Overall, a solid, well-produced film.”
(Adult juror / Providence Children’s Film Festival)
“It captures the moral confusion that happens in kids’ lives really well. The plotting is really interesting – it’s not predictable, and presents a question that is hard for anyone to answer. I thought the filming and acting were great.”
(Youth juror / Providence Children’s Film Festival)
“Very cool short—two youths connect and bridge a divide. Decently acted by two leads, clear directing and very legible characterization. Music was spare but when present, matched the scene well. Pacing was good, and tone stayed light even during challenges. Cinematography was very good, and included the top kid-movie trope where adults are only shown to about upper waist level, through watery windows, etc.”
(Youth juror / Providence Children’s Film Festival)
HONORABLE MENTION - Budapest Movie Awards, April 2023, Hungary
SPECIAL MENTION – 28th International Children’s Film Festival (…and not so children)
Cinema in Sneakers, Poland, 25. May 2022
Kinolub, Poland, June 2022
Norway Short Film Festival /Kortfilmfestivalen – School Program, June 2022
Motovun Film Festival, Croatia, July 2022
FeKK – Ljubljana Short Film Festival, August 2022
International Young Audience Film Festival Ale Kino!, October 2022
SCHLiNGEL – International Film Festival for Children and Young Audience, Chemnitz, Germany, October 2022
Lobo Fest – Festival Internacional de Filmes, Brasil, October 2022
Giffoni Macedonia Youth Film Festival, Macedonia, October 2022
Festival Of Slovenian Films, October 2022
Filem’On – International Film Festival For Young Audiences, Brussels, Belgium, November 2022
International Young Audience Film Festival Ale Kino, Poland, November 2022
Providence Children’s Film Festival, USA, February 2023
Festival Play – Lisbon International Children Film Festiva, February 2023, Portugal
Reel 2 Real International Film Festival For Youth, April 2023, Canada
Cinemagic ‘On The Pulse’ Short Film Festival, March 2023, Northern Ireland
Budapest Movie Awards, April 2023, Hungary – AWARD: Honorable Mention
Corti da Sogni International Short Film Festival, April 2023, Italy
IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival, June 2023, Bolgaria
28th International Children’s Film Festival (…and not so children), August 2023, Mexico
Oslo Short Film Festival, August 2023, Norway
Athens International Children's Film Festival, November 2023, Greece
Festival International du Film de Nancy - Festival of the Little School of Short Film, October/November 2023, France
Uppsala Short Film Festival, October 2023, Sweden
Braunschweig Film Festival, November 2023, Germany
Short fiction
Original title: Za vogalom
Length: 13 min.
Format: DCP, color
Ratio: 1,66:1
Speed: 25fps
Sound: 5.1
Language: Slovenian
Year of production: 2022